Did some more development work for the Dygestr app today, turns out trying to cater to varying user timezones is alot more difficult than one would imagine.
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Updates to User Timezones
Updates to the Dashboard
Worked on updating the dashboard today, previously if a user had not entered any entries if they went to the dashboard tab it would throw an error and crash because it did not have any data to add into the chart, I have fixed up the dashboard so that it checks first if there are any valid entries before trying to generate a chart.
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Dygestr application is live!
I spent the day today deploying Dygestr app to an AWS EC2 instance, had to do a fair bit of troubleshooting to get nginx, gunicorn and django playing nice together, specifically to do with getting it to serve static files properly but I got it working and it’s currently live at :
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Deploying Dygestr to ElasticBeanstalk on AWS
Today I’m attempting to deploy the Dygestr app to Amazon Web Services (AWS) ElasticBeanstalk service.
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Dygestr Digestion Tracker
Welcome to the Dygestr Digestion Tracker home page. This website will be about digestive health and will aim to provide status updates on the Dygestr digestive health tracker.